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We acknowledge all the generous support for previous RADCamp workshops

RADCamp Chicago 2023/2024

RADCamp Kigali 2023

RADCamp NYC 2023

Columbia University's Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Department

American Genetics Association through the Special Event Awards program

Maine Center for Genetics in the Environment & The University of Maine

Society of Systematic Biologists

RADCamp Lisbon 2020


RADCamp Marseille 2020

RADCamp Yale 2019

RADCamp NYC 2019

AGA SSE SSB CUNY Graduate Center Columbia E3B

RADCamp Malaga 2019

RADCamp NYC 2018:

CUNY Graduate Center Columbia E3B

RADCamp Brazil 2018

Funding was provided by grants from FAPESP (BIOTA, 2013/50297-0 to Michael J. Hickerson and Ana Carnaval), NASA through the Dimensions of Biodiversity Program (DOB 1343578) and the National Science Foundation (DEB-1253710 to MJH).