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ipyrad command line tutorial - Part II

This is the second part of the full tutorial for the command line interface for ipyrad. In the previous section we imported our data, did some QC, and created clusters of similar reads within each sample. In this section, we now continue with the assembly, with the goal of calling bases, clustering across samples based on consensus sequence similarity, and then finally writing output in various useful formats.

Each grey cell in this tutorial indicates a command line interaction. Lines starting with $ indicate a command that should be executed in a terminal connected to the USP cluster, for example by copying and pasting the text into your terminal. All lines in code cells beginning with ## are comments and should not be copied and executed. Elements in code cells surrounded by angle brackets (e.g. ) are variables that need to be replaced by the user. All other lines should be interpreted as output from the issued commands.

## Example Code Cell.
## Create an empty file in my home directory called `watdo.txt`
$ touch ~/watdo.txt

## Print "wat" to the screen
$ echo "wat"

Getting set up to continue the assembly

Just a reminder that all assembly steps in this part of the workshop should be run in a terminal on the USP cluster inside an interactive job. Here’s the quick-setup (for mac/linux users), but if you need more specific details you can look back to the cluster basics section of ipyrad PartI.

$ ssh <username> 
$ qsub -q proto -l nodes=1:ppn=2 -l mem=64gb -I
$ cd ipyrad-workshop

Windows users should use puTTY.

Step 3: Recap

Recall that we clustered reads within samples in Step 3. Reads that are sufficiently similar (based on the specified sequence similarity threshold) are grouped together in clusters separated by “//”. We examined the head of one of the sample cluster files at the end of the last exercise, but here we’ve cherry picked a couple clusters with more pronounced features.

Here’s a nice homozygous cluster, with probably one read with sequencing error:


Here’s a probable heterozygote, a little bit messier (note the indels):


Here’s a nasty one!


For this final cluster it’s really hard to call by eye, that’s why we make the computer do it!

Step 4: Joint estimation of heterozygosity and error rate

In this step we jointly estimate sequencing error rate and heterozygosity to help us figure out which reads are “real” and which include sequencing error. We need to know which reads are “real” because in diploid organisms there are a maximum of 2 alleles at any given locus. If we look at the raw data and there are 5 or ten different “alleles”, and 2 of them are very high frequency, and the rest are singletons then this gives us evidence that the 2 high frequency alleles are good reads and the rest are probably junk. This step is pretty straightforward, and pretty fast. Run it thusly:

$ cd ipyrad-workshop
$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -s 4 -c 2

  ipyrad [v.0.7.28]
  Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
  loading Assembly: anolis
  from saved path: ~/ipyrad-workshop/anolis.json
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [2 cores] on darwin
  Step 4: Joint estimation of error rate and heterozygosity
  [####################] 100%  inferring [H, E]      | 0:00:54

In terms of results, there isn’t as much to look at as in previous steps, though you can invoke the -r flag to see the estimated heterozygosity and error rate per sample.

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -r

Summary stats of Assembly anolis
                   state  reads_raw  reads_passed_filter  clusters_total  clusters_hidepth  hetero_est  error_est
punc_IBSPCRIB0361      4     250000               237519           56312              4223    0.021430   0.013049
punc_ICST764           4     250000               236815           60626              4302    0.024175   0.013043
punc_JFT773            4     250000               240102           61304              5214    0.019624   0.012015
punc_MTR05978          4     250000               237704           61615              4709    0.021119   0.011083
punc_MTR17744          4     250000               240396           62422              5170    0.021159   0.011778
punc_MTR21545          4     250000               227965           55845              3614    0.024977   0.013339
punc_MTR34414          4     250000               233574           61242              4278    0.024175   0.013043
punc_MTRX1468          4     250000               230903           54411              3988    0.023192   0.012638
punc_MTRX1478          4     250000               233398           57299              4155    0.022146   0.012881
punc_MUFAL9635         4     250000               231868           59249              3866    0.025000   0.013622

These are pretty typical error rates and heterozygosity estimates. Under normal conditions error rate will be much lower than heterozygosity (on the order of 10x lower). Here these are both somewhat high, so this might indicate our clustering threshold value is too low. We’ll just proceed with the assembly as is, for now, but if this were real data I would recommend branching here and trying several different clustering threshold values.

Step 5: Consensus base calls

Step 5 uses the inferred error rate and heterozygosity per sample to call the consensus of sequences within each cluster. Here we are identifying what we believe to be the real haplotypes at each locus within each sample.

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -s 5 -c 2

  ipyrad [v.0.7.28]
  Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
  loading Assembly: anolis
  from saved path: ~/ipyrad-workshop/anolis.json
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [2 cores] on darwin

  Step 5: Consensus base calling 
  Mean error  [0.01265 sd=0.00079]
  Mean hetero [0.02270 sd=0.00187]
  [####################] 100%  calculating depths    | 0:00:08
  [####################] 100%  chunking clusters     | 0:00:07
  [####################] 100%  consens calling       | 0:02:23

In-depth operations of step 5:

And here the important information is the number of reads_consens. This is the number of retained reads within each sample that we’ll send on to the next step. Retained reads must pass filters on read depth tolerance (both mindepth_majrule and maxdepth), maximum number of uncalled bases (max_Ns_consens) and maximum number of heterozygous sites (max_Hs_consens) per consensus sequence. This number will almost always be lower than clusters_hidepth.

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -r

Summary stats of Assembly anolis
                   state  reads_raw  reads_passed_filter  clusters_total  clusters_hidepth  hetero_est  error_est  reads_consens
punc_IBSPCRIB0361      5     250000               237519           56312              4223    0.021430   0.013049           3753
punc_ICST764           5     250000               236815           60626              4302    0.024175   0.013043           3759
punc_JFT773            5     250000               240102           61304              5214    0.019624   0.012015           4698
punc_MTR05978          5     250000               237704           61615              4709    0.021119   0.011083           4223
punc_MTR17744          5     250000               240396           62422              5170    0.021159   0.011778           4558
punc_MTR21545          5     250000               227965           55845              3614    0.024977   0.013339           3145
punc_MTR34414          5     250000               233574           61242              4278    0.024175   0.013043           3751
punc_MTRX1468          5     250000               230903           54411              3988    0.023192   0.012638           3586
punc_MTRX1478          5     250000               233398           57299              4155    0.022146   0.012881           3668
punc_MUFAL9635         5     250000               231868           59249              3866    0.025000   0.013622           3369

Step 6: Cluster across samples

Step 6 clusters consensus sequences across samples. Now that we have good estimates for haplotypes within samples we can try to identify similar sequences at each locus between samples. We use the same clustering threshold as step 3 to identify sequences between samples that are probably sampled from the same locus, based on sequence similarity.

Note on performance of each step: Steps 3 and 6 generally take considerably longer than any of the steps, due to the resource intensive clustering and alignment phases. These can take on the order of 10-100x as long as the next longest running step. Fortunately, with the data we use during this workshop, step 6 will actually be really fast.

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -s 6 -c 2

  ipyrad [v.0.7.28]
  Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
  loading Assembly: anolis
  from saved path: ~/ipyrad-workshop/anolis.json
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [2 cores] on darwin

  Step 6: Clustering at 0.85 similarity across 10 samples
  [####################] 100%  concat/shuffle input  | 0:00:01
  [####################] 100%  clustering across     | 0:00:10
  [####################] 100%  building clusters     | 0:00:02
  [####################] 100%  aligning clusters     | 0:00:22
  [####################] 100%  database indels       | 0:00:01
  [####################] 100%  indexing clusters     | 0:00:09
  [####################] 100%  building database     | 0:00:00

In-depth operations of step 6:

Since in general the stats for results of each step are sample based, the output of -r will only display what we had seen after step 5, so this is not that informative.

It might be more enlightening to consider the output of step 6 by examining the file that contains the reads clustered across samples:

$ gunzip -c anolis_across/anolis_catclust.gz | head -n 28


The final output of step 6 is a file in anolis_across called anolis_catclust.gz. This file contains all aligned reads across all samples. Executing the above command you’ll see the output below which shows all the reads that align at one particular locus. You’ll see the sample name of each read followed by the sequence of the read at that locus for that sample. If you wish to examine more loci you can increase the number of lines you want to view by increasing the value you pass to head in the above command (e.g. ... | head -n 300).

Step 7: Filter and write output files

The final step is to filter the data and write output files in many convenient file formats. First we apply filters for maximum number of indels per locus, max heterozygosity per locus, max number of snps per locus, and minimum number of samples per locus. All these filters are configurable in the params file. You are encouraged to explore different settings, but the defaults are quite good and quite conservative.

To run step 7:

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -s 7 -c 2
  ipyrad [v.0.7.28]
  Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data
  loading Assembly: anolis
  from saved path: ~/ipyrad-workshop/anolis.json
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [2 cores] on darwin
  Step 7: Filter and write output files for 10 Samples
  [####################] 100%  filtering loci        | 0:00:10
  [####################] 100%  building loci/stats   | 0:00:01
  [####################] 100%  building vcf file     | 0:00:05
  [####################] 100%  writing vcf file      | 0:00:00
  [####################] 100%  building arrays       | 0:00:01
  [####################] 100%  writing outfiles      | 0:00:00
  Outfiles written to: ~/ipyrad-workshop/anolis_outfiles

A new directory is created called anolis_outfiles, and you may inspect the contents:

$ ls anolis_outfiles/
anolis.hdf5  anolis.loci  anolis.phy  anolis.snps.phy  anolis_stats.txt  anolis.vcf

This directory contains all the output files specified by the output_formats parameter in the params file. The default is set to create two different version of phylip output, one including the full sequence anolis.phy and one including only variable sites anolis.snps.phy, as well as anolis.vcf, and the anolis.loci (which is ipyrad’s internal format). The other important file here is the anolis_stats.txt which gives extensive and detailed stats about the final assembly. A quick overview of the blocks in this file:

This block indicates how filtering is impacting your final dataset. Each filter is applied in order from top to bottom, and the number of loci removed because of each filter is shown in the applied_order column. The total number of retained_loci after each filtering step is displayed in the final column. This is a good place for inspecting how your filtering thresholds are impacting your final dataset. For example, you might see that most loci are being filterd by min_sample_locus (a very common result), in which case you might reduce this threshold in your params file and re-run step 7 in order to retain more loci.

$ cat anolis_outfiles/anolis_stats.txt

## The number of loci caught by each filter.
## ipyrad API location: [assembly].stats_dfs.s7_filters

                            total_filters  applied_order  retained_loci
total_prefiltered_loci               7366              0           7366
filtered_by_rm_duplicates             250            250           7116
filtered_by_max_indels                 29             29           7087
filtered_by_max_snps                  146              5           7082
filtered_by_max_shared_het            549            434           6648
filtered_by_min_sample               3715           3662           2986
filtered_by_max_alleles               872             68           2918
total_filtered_loci                  2918              0           2918

A simple summary of the number of loci retained for each sample in the final dataset. Pretty straightforward. If you have some samples that have very low sample_coverage here it might be good to remove them and re-run step 7.

## The number of loci recovered for each Sample.
## ipyrad API location: [assembly].stats_dfs.s7_samples

punc_IBSPCRIB0361             1673
punc_ICST764                  1717
punc_JFT773                   2073
punc_MTR05978                 1897
punc_MTR17744                 2021
punc_MTR21545                 1597
punc_MTR34414                 1758
punc_MTRX1468                 1653
punc_MTRX1478                 1807
punc_MUFAL9635                1628

locus_coverage indicates the number of loci that contain exactly a given number of samples, and sum_coverage is just the running total of these in ascending order. So here, if it weren’t being filtered, locus coverage in the 1 column would indicate singletons (only one sample at this locus), and locus coverage in the 10 column indicates loci with full coverage (all samples have data at these loci).

Note: It’s important to notice that locus coverage below your min_sample_locus parameter setting will all naturally equal 0, since by definition these are being removed.

## The number of loci for which N taxa have data.
## ipyrad API location: [assembly].stats_dfs.s7_loci

    locus_coverage  sum_coverage
1                0             0
2                0             0
3                0             0
4              778           778
5              588          1366
6              451          1817
7              371          2188
8              297          2485
9              237          2722
10             196          2918

Whereas the previous block indicated samples per locus, below we are looking at SNPs per locus. In a similar fashion as above, these columns record the counts of loci containing given numbers of variable sites and parsimony informative sites (pis). For example, in the 2 row, this indicates the number of loci with 2 variable sites (174), and the number of loci with 2 pis (48). The sum_* columns simply indicate the running total in ascending order.

Note: This block can be a little tricky because loci can end up getting double-counted. For example, a locus with 1 pis, and 2 autapomorphies will be counted once in the 3 row for var, and once in the 1 row for pis. Apply care with these values.

## The distribution of SNPs (var and pis) per locus.
## var = Number of loci with n variable sites (pis + autapomorphies)
## pis = Number of loci with n parsimony informative site (minor allele in >1 sample)
## ipyrad API location: [assembly].stats_dfs.s7_snps

     var  sum_var   pis  sum_pis
0   1977        0  2577        0
1    557      557   214      214
2    174      905    48      310
3     77     1136    45      445
4     51     1340    17      513
5     26     1470     5      538
6     18     1578     5      568
7     15     1683     4      596
8     12     1779     2      612
9      3     1806     1      621
10     3     1836     0      621
11     2     1858     0      621
12     0     1858     0      621
13     1     1871     0      621
14     0     1871     0      621
15     0     1871     0      621
16     1     1887     0      621
17     1     1904     0      621

The final block displays statistics for each sample in the final dataset. Many of these stats will already be familiar, but this provides a nice compact view on how each sample is represented in the output. The one new stat here is loci_in_assembly, which indicates how many loci each sample has data for.

## Final Sample stats summary

                   state  reads_raw  reads_passed_filter  clusters_total  clusters_hidepth  hetero_est  error_est  reads_consens  loci_in_assembly
punc_IBSPCRIB0361      7     250000               237519           56312              4223    0.021430   0.013049           3753              1673
punc_ICST764           7     250000               236815           60626              4302    0.024175   0.013043           3759              1717
punc_JFT773            7     250000               240102           61304              5214    0.019624   0.012015           4698              2073
punc_MTR05978          7     250000               237704           61615              4709    0.021119   0.011083           4223              1897
punc_MTR17744          7     250000               240396           62422              5170    0.021159   0.011778           4558              2021
punc_MTR21545          7     250000               227965           55845              3614    0.024977   0.013339           3145              1597
punc_MTR34414          7     250000               233574           61242              4278    0.024175   0.013043           3751              1758
punc_MTRX1468          7     250000               230903           54411              3988    0.023192   0.012638           3586              1653
punc_MTRX1478          7     250000               233398           57299              4155    0.022146   0.012881           3668              1807
punc_MUFAL9635         7     250000               231868           59249              3866    0.025000   0.013622           3369              1628

For our downstream analysis we’ll need more than just the default output formats, so lets rerun step 7 and generate all supported output formats. This can be accomplished by editing the params-anolis.txt and setting the requested output_formats to * (again, the wildcard character):

*                        ## [27] [output_formats]: Output formats (see docs)

After this we must now re-run step 7, but this time including the -f flag, to force overwriting the output files that were previously generated. More information about output formats can be found here.

$ ipyrad -p params-anolis.txt -s 7 -c 2 -f

Congratulations! You’ve completed your first RAD-Seq assembly. Now you can try applying what you’ve learned to assemble your own real data. Please consult the ipyrad online documentation for details about many of the more powerful features of ipyrad, including reference sequence mapping, assembly branching, and the extensive analysis toolkit, which includes extensive downstream analysis tools for such things as clustering and population assignment, phylogenetic tree inference, quartet-based species tree inference, and much more.